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Calendrier des séminaires

Bienvenue dans notre calendrier de séminaires !

Découvrez ici une multitude de séminaires spécialisés de qualité, animés par des intervenants de renom et conçus pour élargir vos connaissances techniques, découvrir nos produits et faire progresser ensemble la mobilité.


duration: Ca. 1,5h
costs: 89,00€

categories: Fundamentals|

Get to know the 5 most important clinical pictures of wheelchair care in detail!


This training includes facts and background information on


  • Spinal Cor Injuries
  • Spina bifida
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Infantile cerebral palsy (CP)
  • Amyothrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)


The appropriate wheelchair fitting is also explained for each clinical picture.


Duration approx. 1.5 hours with subsequent learning assessment and certification.


duration: Ca. 45min
costs: 0,00€

categories: Product Training|

Product training with all information about the Femto R:

  • Development
  • Target group
  • Position in the Meyra Active portfolio
  • Therapeutic consideration
  • Chassis technology: construction of chassis and seat module
  • Adjustability
  • Technical information

Duration: approx. 45min incl. learning test and certificate


duration: Ca. 1h
costs: 0,00€

categories: Portfolio|

The e-learning includes a complete overview of the MEYRA portfolio and detailed analyses of all models in terms of target group and product features.


The training is aimed at anyone who would like to (better) familiarise themselves with the extensive Meyra Active portfolio and the respective target groups, or who require specific information on individual products.


Duration: 1h incl. learning check and certification

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